Items where Division is "Fakultas Sastra > Prodi Sastra Inggris" and Year is 2010

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Number of items: 19.


Agustantia, Wike (2010) The portrait of Bigger Thomas' crime in Richard wright's Native Son. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.


Brojonegoro, Tosar Arta Tama (2010) From immaturity to maturity: The development of the main character's characterizations in Ernest Hemingway's novel A Farewell to Arms. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.


Depari, Obat Mikael (2010) Penerjemahan anak kalimat deklaratif yang bermuatan kata tanya pada novel A Farewell to Arms ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Widya Warta: Majalah Ilmiah Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun, XXXIV (02). pp. 161-174. ISSN 0854-1981

Dewi, Diana Candra Puspita (2010) The concept of mothering role in Rita Dove's poems collected in Mother Love. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.


Fitriono, Hary (2010) Ralph Waldo Emerson's transcendental expression in his selected poems entitled Brahma, The Park, and Loss and Gain. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.


Hikmaharyanti, Putu Desi Anggerina (2010) The translating of Javanese lexicons into English in Warung VOA program of Jawa Timur Television (JTV). Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.


Indriastuti, Triana (2010) Analysis on theme and symbol in John Updike's “My Children at the Dump" and "Subway Love. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.

Ivanga, Hwemy (2010) A study on to-infinitive in English. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.


Lianawati, Erna (2010) A study on the use of inflectional morphemes and their allomorphs in Henry James' The Portrait of a Lady. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.


Nugroho, Raditya Adhi (2010) Psychoanalytic study on the main character's personality in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.


Rejeki, Lusia Enderia (2010) Middle class in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.


Setianingrum, Anggraini Putri (2010) The bad influence of Mothers' background on the daughters in Amy Tan's the Joy Luck Club. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.

Susilowati, Lilis Endang (2010) Yankee's vision in modernizing Arthur's court. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.


Widiana, Yuli (2010) Colour idioms in English. Widya Warta: Majalah Ilmiah Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun, XXXIV (02). pp. 136-148. ISSN 0854-1981

Widyastuti, Fransiska Xaveria Desi (2010) The use of slang related to sex in Eminem's Rap songs' lyrics. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.

Winarti, Evik Dwi (2010) Errors in agreement and government made by the first year students of SMK St. Bonventura I Madiun in the academic year of 2008-2009. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.

Wulan, Yesmin Sasmitaning (2010) Children exploitation in 19th British society in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.


Yustisiana, Arielia, Rr (2010) The depiction of war suffering in Wilfred Owen's "Disabled". Widya Warta: Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun, XXXIV (01). pp. 75-81. ISSN 0854-1981

Yuwono, Arik Pangestu (2010) Social criticism in Oscar Wilde's the importance of being earnest. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun.

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